This rosary is made of 6mm glass beads in a variety of colors, including a red glass seed bead in the center. The crucifix is made of a traditional crucifix, and the beads are capped with flower caps. The rosary is made to order, and comes with a certificate of authenticity.
58cm in length
We used 6mm glass Garnet coloured beads. Each bead is capped with tiny silver flower caps, which in turn have small red glass seed beads on either side. The Mystery beads are various sizes of Garnet coloured glass beads, which are capped with stunning flower caps. . Such an amazing effect. the centre piece features the Holy Family and the crucifix features a traditional crucifix - beautiful 7cm long
We make to order to your specific needs and requests. Our Specialty rosary's and chaplets are handmade in South Africa. We take care to ensure that these rosaries are UNIQUE in design. Therefore we only have one listed rosary under our special rosaries, and usually a limited edition of our Chaplet design. We also take pride in using good quality beads, chain, pins,centreand crucifixes
balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate, and can inspire love and passion.
is considered a lucky stone, for love, success, and for business relationships. It helps you let go of old behavior patterns and boosts self-confidence.
Because it's such an energizing stone, garnet is often used for manifestation purposes and worn as a talisman for good luck. In addition to bringing vitality, high
, and protection, garnet also helps build
-confidence and clarify one's life purpose.
cleanses and re-energizes. It revitalizes, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate.
regenerates the body and stimulates the metabolism.
It has been used to reduce body toxins, purify vital organs and blood, and assists in assimilation of vitamins and minerals. Emotionally it provides a protective and calming influence during use and is thought to heal melancholy and depression, strengthening the survival instinct, and bringing courage and hope into critical situations.
Garnet balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate, and can inspire love and balance the sex drive. Garnet is considered a lucky stone, for love, success, and for business relationships. It helps you let go of old behavior patterns and boosts self-confidence.
All Garnets honor Sekhmet, the Egyptian Goddess of War, and is the traditional birthstone of those born in January. It is the stone of those born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius, and as an Enhancer Strengthener crystal, it has been worn for centuries as a protective and powerful talisman.
The legends of Garnet are vast and colorful.